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Tangerine' secret world
2 juillet 2007

I'm just a jealous girl...


       I'm in  English-thinking mood so...

       I haven't be writting since I got back from the festival, but it went very well don't worry. I met nice and funny people, talented directors, especially the Irish director of the sweet movie "Mickybo & Me" ,Terry Loane. It was a fine week, expect that I was away from my love...and one reddish girl try to took advantage of this situation...
       To sum up, my love had to make a survey and had a girl as partner, eveything went well till she came to OUR appartment and made a move on him!!! When he told me that I became quite furious and nervous. And when she came back while I was there I may have acted a bit crazy...well I stayed with them the all afternoon, trying to help and keeping an eye on her...Well, it was my right, no? Did I act crazy or did I have a normal behaviour? I know I'm not a beauty and every time a girl come near my love it's getting on my nerves and I start freaking a bit...
       I'm jealous...what can I do? I apologized but it's hard to accept that they're still in touch even thought I totally trust him, I just don't trust her!
       Well it feels good to talk about this...I'm sure many girls would understand, I hope anyway

oh c'est trop mignon! voilà qqch qui devrait tout régler, non?
J'écris rarement voir quasiment jamais ici, mais là c'est important!<br /> Sâche ma jolie Tangerine que je t'aime et que personne au monde ne pourra changer cela.<br /> Je veux passer le reste de ma vie à tes côtés.<br /> Dans ma vie je ne regarde que toi, les autres filles ça ne m'intérésse pas.<br /> Je n'ai aucun sentiments pour cette fille c'est juste une amie, tu est "crazynette" de penser au pire.<br /> Ton petit côtes "jalouse" du moment me fait craquer, car tes défauts sont "Kute" et son pour moi des qualités qui font que je ne téchangerai pour aucune autre au monde, ma jolie brune.<br /> <br /> Athée pieds. Voilà ma religion. :)
ouais une copine de jalousie:p, moi je suis jalouse ET envieuse, quand mon chéri passe des bons moments ou rigole avec des filles qu'il connait et ben moi ça me fait chier! bon je lui dit pas mais c'est moi la fille la plus drole et la plus sympa dans sa vie!! <br /> en tout cas tu as bien geré, non mais, une fille dans ton appart avec ton cheri, faut pas pousser mémé dans les orties!<br /> ##regard mecontent et moue boudeuse##
you were very right and in your right: can't she see he's not available!!!??? I hate people like that, they just try to put a mess in happy people's life! Is she the same girl who used to run after him last year or the year before? You know, the other ugly one!<br /> And by the way, you ARE pretty, there's no worries to have about that!<br /> Also I'm just like you: I trust him 100% but not the girls around and sometimes even those who are not available themselves, which I think is crazy but as Bethany Joy sings, I love him like crazy girls do ;)<br /> Take care, and keep an eye on this mean intruder and if she doesn't let go I'll come and kick her ass hihi (rire satanique ;) )<br /> love and miss ya much
f*cking b*itch!!! how dare she??????<br /> you were right to act this way, i think that in your shoes i would have told her to get off my place!